Self Love

Self Love. My beautiful soul of a daughter Codie Porter developed these headings for our new group facebook@smallisbig . I had struggled with self love, almost my entire life, even before the car accident that stole who I thought I was, at the age of fifteen. After the accident, my friends and confidence fell away with my tears. I sheltered within myself. I found solace in books and music. My self worth was wrapped around working hard and chasing other peoples dreams. Work, not for my own passions, was who I was since I was ten years old.

Comfort was found in the familiarity of my pursuits and surroundings, even though, at work, I was very often the target of repeated verbal and emotional abuse. Stepping off the pages of my well scripted life terrified me. Even though I was happily married, with three amazing kids, simply existing within my self very nearly broke my soul. I found myself thinking desperate thoughts, imagining the only way I could think to escape the constraints of simply existing. Thank God for my husband, my kids, a very good friend, and a couple family members, because they saved me, by allowing me the freedom to save myself.

I wanted nothing more than my children, husband and those I loved and loved me to follow their passions, whatever that meant for them. I watched and encouraged those around me to chase their dreams. And they did, through their doubts, past their fears. Even if they failed, they kept trying, I kept encouraging, sometimes to a fault. I desperately did not want them to do what I did, all the while not knowing how to do that for myself. Looking back through the years, I collected pieces, small pieces. A class here, a poem there, a story written down for a dream I could not see. One day I could either no longer deny my soul, or lose it.

Out of utter desperation I shared with those I loved my thoughts, my fears, my desperation and my dreams. I was strengthened by those I had fortified before me. They became my voice, my faith and my strength. They let me know that I deserved to love and value my self enough to dream for me. I was assured they would be okay. It has brought me here. I gathered up the pieces I had collected and learned to embrace the beautiful chaos of my life. Now here I am, at 54 years young, a published author. And now I couldn’t stop my soul if I tried. It’s never to late, the pieces are never to broken or small. I am here and so very proud to say those small pieces, given and collected over time, helped me build my BIG. What small might lead to your BIG?

“Enduring” to the end?

That is the question that hit me when I opened facebook today. A friend said she had to put together a talk for church about “Enduring to the End”. She was having a hard time putting it together and asked the ever-wise audience of social media for help. The answers were cookie cutter at best. Folks quoting scripture, stating it was our duty to endure all things. In doing so we would be a testament to our faith, and it was then that we fulfilled our goal of living a worthy or noble life. Dutifully enlightening and mostly full of crap.

Me, while looking at her request wrote a response. A response of, “Isn’t that exactly what is happening here on not such a giant life event scale? There is something you wish to accomplish as mundane as you think it may be. You are struggling, you are asking for help and you will finish it, seeing it through to the end. Enduring, and your question is what again?”

I left out the rest, the part that was running around in my overthinking brain as I read the ever-martyring responses of lives lived through their sacrifice only to end in a righteous death. Why the hell do you want to just endure? Life is to be lived, enjoyed, loved through, cried over, and laughed through.  Why does anyone even want you to write that piece? Endure what? My guess was accepting to do that talk when you really didn’t want to, or as I like to put it, you were voluntold what to do, and you did it.

How many of us never think of saying no? I know I didn’t. Tammy Mayhew wasn’t raised to say no and so many of you weren’t either.  I was raised in a family business. The world of service and hospitality, conditioned me to please other people at the expense of myself. Somehow other people’s needs, and feelings were above my own. I was conditioned to endure my own discomfort while pleasing everyone around me. For the most part the customer service world reinforces that ideology day after day after day.    

One official definition of the word endure is, “To continue to exist or experience a hardship over a long period of time”. Life was not intended to be “endured” it was meant to be lived. It is a frightening epiphany when you realize that instead of living your life, you endured it. Simply being, with just enough bits and pieces of love, joy, and happiness to sustain you. Living this way, or let me rephrase that, existing this way does not fortify the soul, it starves it.

Grab the pieces, all the pieces. The good, the bad, the joy, the chaos and the sorrow, and claim it as your own. Look ahead and reflect inward at what feeds YOUR soul. I did. Follow what you find, and bring all that you carry with you, use it build and shore up your path. I did. It is a daunting and scary proposition.

I don’t’ know what I was more afraid of; stepping outside my responsibly enduring comfort zone, letting the world see ME, or ME looking at myself and asking and answering those questions of my own heart. I did it and I have no regrets. It may have taken longer than I would have liked, but I did it and so can you. Unburden with me what you endure in your life? Share with me here or on my facebook author page@tammymayhew,author what feeds your soul? Inspire me with your dreams and beautiful chaos?