Welcome, and what can I do for you?

Those words have been proclaimed by Tammy Mayhew literally hundreds of thousands of times through her more-than-forty-year career in the service and hospitality industry. But this time it is different; she has done it. Tammy Mayhew, fear be damned, stepped out from behind the sales counter and out of her curiously scripted 24/7/365 life managing multiple family businesses and is welcoming you, her fellow under-valued and disrespected Service Warriors to join her. Come grin, giggle and snort with her as she exposes and claims the chaos, the crazies and the critics we all encounter daily. Tammy Mayhew, author, welcomes you to see yourself in her frustratingly humorous stories of insatiable and unreasonable customers and share in the heartwarming examples of golden moments.

She says it, like we all think it, like we all experience it. The struggle is real and all 53 million of us know it.  Tammy Mayhew understands how hard it is some days to contain the little bitch running around in your mind. The justified little asshole that would like nothing more than to kick out a tooth or two to escape your mind and serve some well-deserved karma on the contemptible customer or corporate key stroker. Gritting your teeth while you smile is truly a gift. It is right up there with the well-timed eye roll the customer never sees. Share your terrible tales and your stellar examples of customer service. Learn to respect and value the customer without devaluing yourself or your team.

We are all Service Warriors—even if customer service isn’t your thing, we are all “serving” someone or something: Our customers, our boss, our patients, our partner, our children, our family, our community, our church, our business, and, in doing so, we forget the one person that we need to take the greatest care of….ourselves. We wear the costumes and follow the script we are raised and rehearsed to follow. The greatest comedians went off script, they improvised their lines, giving the middle finger to the very “talented” writers around them.  It’s time to take that step and raise that flag.

It has been a hell of a ride and Tammy Mayhew is proud of the years she worked and studied while raising her family and she does’t regret the years she hid behind my waning smile, pressed firmly between the ever-mounting pages of the family business. It was the generational and self-inflicted serial entrepreneurship that has afforded her the colorful kaleidoscope of experiences and hard-earned wisdom she is sharing with you. You all have those beautiful broken pieces, gather them up: all the love, fear, anxiety, regret, tears, smiles, experiences, hard work, failures, foul language, laughter, desires and dreams, and let your light and your life shine through it.

So, what can Tammy Mayhew do for you?

  • I will be your comrade in this customer service comedy.
  • I will make you laugh.
  • I will respect, celebrate, appreciate and encourage you. 
  • I will share my sarcastic sense of humor with you.
  • I will answer you honestly. You may not like it, but I will.

      Since no one does this shit for free….

What can you do for me?

  • Read my stories on my blog and tell me yours.
  • Laugh with me, or at me.
  • Learn from me, teach me, disagree with me.
  • Respect, celebrate, appreciate and encourage me.
  • Buy my book, My Suite A$$!, and the next one, and the next one…
  • Follow me on facebook @tammymayhewauthor

The greatest ride has just begun. Let’s step off that page and live a life unscripted.